Download this skin:      Small Skin (smskin)

To download an image:
  1. Center your cursor over the image.

  2. Windows: right click on the image and choose "Save Image as...".
    Mac: click and hold on the image and choose "Copy this Image".

  3. Important! Save the image in your hotComm/WEB/IM-Live folder.
smskin.jpg - 17 Kb

Copy the code for this skin:      Small Skin (smskin)

To use this code:

  1. Make a backup of the current DEFAULT_ONL.HTM file in your hotcomm/WEB/IM-Live folder.

  2. Copy-and-paste the code below into Notepad or similar text editor.

  3. Save it in your hotComm/WEB/IM-Live folder as DEFAULT_ONL.HTM.

  4. Close and re-start hotComm.

Important! See the online User's Guide for instructions on how to customize the Java client.

Do NOT use HTML editors that make any changes to the code between <HEAD> and </TITLE>, or IM-Live may not work.

This is the code for the smskin skin:

<TITLE> &&#149;[hc-12345678-12345678-1234-12345678-1234-12345678-1234-12345678-1234-12345678-1234-12345678]
<body bgcolor=white background="BGND5.jpg" style='tab-interval:2.5in'>
<applet codebase="." archive="im-live.jar,dd.jar" code="Conference" width="0" height="0">
<PARAM NAME="Jport" VALUE="28865">
<PARAM NAME="Jsid" VALUE="1234567890">
<PARAM NAME="Hcid" VALUE="1234567890">
<PARAM NAME="Uname" VALUE="12345678901234567890123456789012">
<PARAM NAME="Jphoto" VALUE="Photo.jpg">
<PARAM NAME="JphotoLink" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="Jbanner" VALUE="banner_fs.gif">
<PARAM NAME="JbannerLink" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="Jtext4" VALUE="Do Not Push">
<PARAM NAME="Jtext4code" VALUE="3">
<PARAM NAME="RoomKey" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="Skin" VALUE="smskin.jpg">
<PARAM NAME="ScrnPos" VALUE="50,50">
<PARAM NAME="DialogueRect" VALUE="16,91,502,110">
<PARAM NAME="DialogueColor" VALUE="000000,FFFFFF">
<PARAM NAME="DialogueFont" VALUE="Helvetica,11">
<PARAM NAME="InputRect" VALUE="16,231,272,56">
<PARAM NAME="InputColor" VALUE="000000,90A0D0">
<PARAM NAME="PhotoRect" VALUE="0,0,0,0">
<PARAM NAME="PhotoColor" VALUE="902020">
<PARAM NAME="UserColor" VALUE="FFFFFF,902020">
<PARAM NAME="UserRect" VALUE="303,210,216,77">
<PARAM NAME="CloseRect" VALUE="286,39,100,32">
<PARAM NAME="ButtonColor" VALUE="FFFFFF,FF2020,696296">
<PARAM NAME="BannerRect" VALUE="309,215,205,68">
<PARAM NAME="LogoRect" VALUE="0,0,0,0">
<PARAM NAME="Jtext4Rect" VALUE="411,39,100,32">
<PARAM NAME="LoginColor" VALUE="E0E0E0">
<PARAM NAME="LoginFont" VALUE="Helvetica,12">
<PARAM NAME="LoginRect" VALUE="15,90,506,180">


Copy the wallpaper image for:      Small Skin (smskin)

The wallpaper is page that launches the Java client applet. The image is coded in the BGCOLOR option of the <BODY> statement in the above code.

Powered by hotComm (gray)
